BioAnagyrus (Anagyrus vladimiri) is a solitary endoparasitoid of mealybugs in greenhouses, open fields and fruit crops worldwide. The female wasp prefers to lay its eggs singly, inside the third instar larvae and young adult female mealybugs. When the parasitoid larva hatches, it feeds on the internal organs of its host and develops within it. The pupal stage appears within a “mummy” (which is the hardened skin of the dead mealybug), when the adult emerges it gnaws an irregular exit hole at the posterior end of the “mummy”.
Anagyrus vladimiri’s adults show marked sexual dimorphism: the female is about 1.5-2 mm in length and brown, with distinctive black and white banded antennae. The male is smaller (0.8-0.9 mm in length), black in color bearing an arch-like pair of antennae.
The Anagyrus wasp can be combined with BioCryptolaemus (Cryptolaemus montrouzieri ). These two natural enemies are synergistic in controlling mealybug and can coexist in the same habitat.
Consult your local BioBee for product availability in your country.
Target Pests
BioAnagyrus is an innovative, patented product which comes in “mummy” form, containing the parasitoid’s pupa, rather than adult wasps. Thus reaching its destination “fresh” and ready to emerge.
A bottle contains a minimum of 500 ready-to -emerge “mummies” mixed in sawdust. At least 50% of the “mummies” will yield adult Anagyrus females.
A honey-soaked paper inside the lid nourishes the emerging wasps before leaving the bottle
BioAnagyrus is shipped in temperature controlled boxes which must be kept intact until reaching the end-user.
Avoid direct exposure of the product to sunlight
The area must be treated against ants, if present. Ants encourage honeydew secretion by the mealybugs, transfer them from one place to another and protect them by actively interfering with the parasitoid.
When hanging the bottle make sure:
- The bottle is far enough from the twig so ants can’t get into it and attack the newly hatched Anagyrus vladimiri.
- The bottle is slightly tilted upwards so the mummies can’t fall out and the sawdust doesn’t block the exit hole.
- The glue ring is complete once the bottle is hanged
- Make sure you open the cap, once the bottle is securely positioned.
- Hang the opened container in a shaded area, near the mealybug infested site. The wasps will fly out of the bottle in search of mealybugs.
Apply wasps during early morning or late afternoon, while temperatures are cooler.
The introduction rate of BioAnagyrus should be determined according to the crop and rate of mealybug infestation.
BioAnagyrus chemical list BioBee 2024
Before combining BioAnagyrus with any chemical pesticide in the crop, please consult your BioBee technical field representative.
Recommended Storage temperature
Do not store in sunglight
Treat area against ants
Hang product on the plant
BioBee Sde Eliyahu Ltd. produces and markets biological products. Production is carried out using innovative techniques under controlled quality assurance standards such as ISO 9001:2015, as well as IOBC’s international standards for mass-production of insects. All products are tested to meet specification requirements before leaving the factory.
The success of biological pest control is affected by the crop’s initial pest population (upon application of the product), weather conditions and chemical residue present in the crop, among other possible aggravating factors.
Under no circumstance shall BioBee be liable for the outcome of the implementation in the field, as it has no control over local conditions, the application method, or the possible improper treatment/storage of the product.