Since the introduction of the use of bumblebees for natural pollination in agriculture, it has become essential in some crops and an added bonus in other crops such as avocados. Bumblebees are capable of pollinating in greenhouses and net structures as well as in open fields and orchards.
Why Bumblebees?
Bumblebees do not store honey like the honey bee, so they must forage daily. They can perform in cold, cloudy and rainy conditions and work very fast (4 times faster than the honey bee), which means that they visit many more flowers at any given time. They are very large (twice the size of a honey bee) and fuzzier, so every visit to the flower causes effective pollination. Additionally, bumblebees can do “buzz” pollination which is absolutely essential in certain crops such as tomatoes.
Bumblebee Pollination Benefits
- Increases quality of produce
- Increases yield
- Pollination throughout the year
- Pollination in enclosed & open areas
- Exceptional pollinator of greenhouse grown crops
- Visual proof of pollination
- Easy to apply and low maintenance

Contrary to popular belief, not all bees are social creatures. The bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) has a solitary stage in life: once she is born and emerges from the colony to mate, while she hibernates during winter and while she lays the first eggs and cares for the hatching larvae.
Bumblebees only sting defensively, when they feel threatened. Use caution when around the bumblebees: do not wave your hands at them and avoid using strong smelling perfume or deodorants. For most people, a bumblebee sting will only cause local swelling that may last a few hours or days, but it may cause an allergic reaction in some cases.

Greenhouse & Orchard Hives
BioBee’s greenhouse and orchard hives are the fruit of continuous research and development to best adjust the necessary conditions of hives for different crops, assuring maximum pollination and colony wellbeing, while complying with all the veterinary requirements of the receiving countries.
Download Greenhouse Hive Maintenance
Download Orchard Hive Maintenance
Bombus terrestris
A healthy and well-balanced environment is very important, therefore BioBee rears Bombus terrestris for countries where they are allowed. Please check with your local BioBee for availability.