The citrus root weevil (Diaprepes abbreviatus), also known as the citrus root borer or chichi in Spanish, is black with white, red-orange or yellow stripes on the wing covers. Host plants include citrus, rambutan, sugarcane, cassava and maize.
The adult citrus root weevil feeds on young leaves, causing notching along leaf margins, although spotting the culprit is a must since other pests, such as grasshoppers, can cause similar damage. The larvae of the citrus root weevil occurs in the soil and feed on the roots, impeding the uptake of nutrients and water. Severe infestations can result in plant stunting and death. Additionally, the damage to the roots is an open door to root rot infections and other fungus and viruses.
There are specific natural enemies for different species of weevils.
For more information contact your local BioBee field agent.